

  • Anders Olsson

    Anders Olsson

    IT-Security Advisor Onevinn

    Anders fifteen years within cyber security has earned him a reputation for know-how to create tailor-made, Microsoft-based security solutions. He love adapting that technology to every organization's needs and the current threat assessment. The last ten years Anders have been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) – within the Forefront suite, Enterprise Security and current the Enterprise Mobility + Security area. He is also a member of the Microsoft Extended Expert Team (MEET) and have been a speaker at Techdays, Ignite Tour, TechX and TechSummit for the past 11 years

  • Andreas Adolfsson

    Andreas Adolfsson

    Technical Sales Specialist Teams

    Tsp på Microsft sverige som brinner för när teknik och människa jobbar ihop som en enhet.

  • Emil Wessberg

    Emil Wessberg

    AddPro, 365 Consultant

    Mångårig konsult inom produktivitets-området. Har en lång teknisk bakgrund från utveckling o arkitektur men vaknade upp en dag och insåg att han inte behöver "ta fram" fler tekniska lösningar för kunderna - mer värde skapas genom att "ta till sig" allt som redan finns i molnet. Cert. förändringsledare som står på slutanvändarens sida i tuffa tider - finns det invändningar o hinder får vi ta dem på allvar!

  • Fredrik Andersson

    Fredrik Andersson

    Enhetschef intern och extern kommunikation

    Enhetschef på intern och extern kommunikation inom verksamhetsområdet Kommunikation, Ledning och styrning - Göteborgs stad

  • Jan Ketil Skanke

    Jan Ketil Skanke

    MVP Enterprise Mobility, Partner CloudWay

    Jan Ketil is an Enterprise Mobility MVP since 2016 and are working as a COO and Principal Cloud Architect at CloudWay in Norway. He has been in the industry for about 20 years working for both Microsoft Partners and Microsoft. He loves to speak about anything around Enterprise Mobility and Secure Productivity. He is also the lead for the community conference Experts Live Norway. Jan Ketil has presented at large industry conferences like Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Inspire, Experts Live Europe, IT/DevConnections and NIC Conference in Oslo. He has also previously spoken at several occasions locally in Scandinavia for years.

  • John Hansen

    John Hansen

    Modern Workplace Solution Architect @Telia

    Trots sina 15+ år i Sverige har John fortfarande massor av ”Danish Dynamite” när han presenterar.
    Han tar alltid utgångspunkt i användaren och organisationen, sedan kommer tekniken.
    John har sedan 2007 jobbat som expert inom Unified Communications, bl.a. hos Microsoft.
    De senaste 6 åren har han jobbat på Telia som lösningsarkitekt inom den digitala arbetsplats, båda från det tekniska perspektivet (Microsoft 365), men även de ”mjuka” områden såsom övergång till aktivitetsbaserad arbetsplats och kommunikationspolicys.
    John är en uppskattat presentatör som kryddar sina pedagogiska presentationer med humor, inspiration och insikter.
    Han har presenterat på flera större events däribland Teamsdagen hösten 2020 och Microsoft Techdays. John är certifierat Microsoft Service Adoption Specialist

  • Katarina Kokolj

    Katarina Kokolj

    Verksamhetsutvecklare Office 365

    Jag arbetar som verksamhetsutvecklare på Intraservice, Göteborgs Stad med fokus på Office 365. Sedan drygt ett år tillbaka är jag med och leder den organisation som vi har byggt upp och som hanterar de behov som våra förvaltningar/bolag kommer in med.
    Jag har lång erfarenhet av olika samarbetsverktyg och fullkomligt njuter när jag får en chans att visa hur dessa kan användas för att stötta i mina medarbetares vardag.

  • Linnéa Henriksson

    Linnéa Henriksson

    AddPro, Change Manager

    O365 konsult som hittat djupare spår för att mötet mellan tekniken och användarna. Finner det viktigt och spännande att se på frågeställningar med olika dörrar.
    Förändringsledning har genom åren alltid legat nära till hands och på senare tid fått större och större fokus.

  • Martin Lidholm

    Martin Lidholm

    Partner - Uclarity

    Martin är Partner på Uclarity och specialist på kommunikations och sammarbetslösningar. Framförallt med fokus på digitala möten och digitala kundmöten. Martin har en lång bakgrund med Microsofts kommunikationslösningar och har arbetat med Lync och Skype4B i många år och arbetar nu med resan mot Teams i flera stora organisationer.

  • Martin Zainali

    Martin Zainali

    OCM Advisory & Experience Design Practice Lead, Nordics at Avanade

    Technology savvy Prosci certified Solution Architect in Organizational Change Management (OCM) with several years’ experience, leading major cloud transformation and business change programs. Specialized in Microsoft cloud solutions and leading a team of change professionals and experience designers, at Avanade, to achieve delivery excellence and a genuine human impact.

  • Mattias Osterberg

    Mattias Osterberg

    Sales Manager, Nordics at AudioCodes

    With 20 years in the telecom industry Mattias have slowly moved from a technical and engineering role to become fully sales oriented the last few years. This give him a strong understanding of the full ecosystem and the challenges you are facing with when designing and implementing new technology.

  • Pia Stider

    Pia Stider

    Senior Consultant Change Management

    Passionate about sustainable development via digital ways of working

  • Simon Binder

    Simon Binder

    Principal Technical Architect @ Truesec

    As a Microsoft Endpoint Manager MVP & Principal Technical Architect, Simon inspires customers, partners and colleagues to create the best possible workplace for their users. His main focus is the Windows platform – but todays workplace consists of so much more than that. As an MCT he is passionate about teaching and sharing knowledge. He’s a frequent speaker, blogger and podcaster – as well as a penguin fanatic.

  • Sofia Fiske

    Sofia Fiske

    Make monday's the greatest day of the week

    Mitt namn är Sofia och jag arbetar som digital arbetsplats-strateg. Jag älskar att inspirera och har under många år arbetat med produktivitet, och vad det innebär för individ, samarbetsgrupp och organisation. Mitt favoritämne inom den digitala arbetsplatsen är medarbetaren.

    Jag har gedigen erfarenhet av Microsoft 365 och digital transformation. Jag pratar gärna med dig om hur produktivitet påverkas av beteenden, ledarskap, medarbetarens välmående, arbetsplatskultur, och vart teknik kommer in i bilden.

    Precis som ni tycker jag att Teams är det bästa som har hänt oss sedan OneNote. Tillsammans Teamifierar vi Sverige!

  • Sofie Borck Janeheim

    Sofie Borck Janeheim

    Microsoft, Teknisk Specialist - Teams som plattform

    Sofie jobbar som Teknisk Specialist på Microsoft med fokus på Teams som Plattform. Hon är i grunden både Civilingenjör och Gymnasielärare, och har tidigare utbildat barn och unga i programmering. Därför brinner Sofie för low-code utveckling, då det sänker tröskeln för att fler ska kunna vara kreativa och skapa sina egna lösningar.

  • Ståle Hansen

    Ståle Hansen

    CEO and Principal Cloud Architect at CloudWay, RD, MVP

    "My core competence is to explain complex scenarios and make them understandable by combining technical insight and business value" -Ståle Hansen

    Ståle Hansen is the Founder and Principal Cloud Architect at CloudWay. He is awarded as Microsoft Regional Director and Office Apps and Services MVP with over a decade of experience with Skype for Business and now focused on hybrid Microsoft 365 and Teams. In 2018 he received an honorary award from Microsoft Norway for his longtime commitment to knowledge-sharing. He was recognized as top 100 UC influencers by Mio in 2020.

    As a popular public speaker he is regularly invited to share his experience at international conferences such as Lync Conference, TechEd, Microsoft Ignite, Experts Live, CommsvNext and Techmentor. He is a co-author of the book "Office 365 for IT Pros" and you can follow his YouTube channel on Microsoft 365 productivity. He loves to share his understanding as a blogger since 2009 and as a highly rated trainer.

  • Tommy Clarke

    Tommy Clarke

    Office 365 MVP

    Tommy has been working as a consultant since early 2000. He is a subject matter expert on Microsoft 365 and Azure. Tommy’s works primarily as a Program Manager with Enterprise customers all over the world with focus on usage and consumption of Microsoft 365 workloads. His deep technical skills are mainly in Microsoft Teams, Security and Compliance. He was first awarded the MVP title in 2010 for excellence in Lync and is since 2014 an Office 365 MVP. In 2013 he successfully completed the highest level of certification, the MCSM – Microsoft Certified Solutions Master in the Communications track. Tommy is an experienced and hungry consultant with good credentials who is eager to learn all there is to know in his field.

  • Ulrika Hedlund

    Ulrika Hedlund

    Productivity Advisor and edTech-entrepreneur

    Ulrika Hedlund is an ex-Microsoft employee and EdTech entrepreneur. She is the founder of Storyals and Business Productivity. Ulrika is passionate about technology and the value it brings to end users if used correctly. Using video-based storytelling she helps organizations all over the world drive adoption of Office 365. She has authored numerous courses and is a frequent blogger. Ulrika is born and raised in Sweden but lives in Dubai since 2007. Ulrika has a Master’s in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm and an Executive MBA from London Business School.

  • Ville Gullstrand

    Ville Gullstrand


    Ville har en bakgrund som bl.a. IT beställare, Servicedeskchef och leveransansvarig. Just nu spenderar han sin tid med att leda förändrings- och lanseringsprojekt för Microsoft 365 genom projekt eller inspirerande workshopar.

    Läs mer på Altitudes hemsida:

  • William Ridderström

    William Ridderström

    Försäljningschef, InfraCom Communications

    Erbjuder telefonilösningar för Teams på nationell och internationell nivå till både större & mindre organisationer

  • Adam Deltinger

    Adam Deltinger

    Atea Sweden

    I have for several years been working as a consultant mostly focusing on Microsoft products and cloud Technologies. Today I work to empower businesses with the help of Microsoft 365 and modern tools - helping customers collaborate better, work more efficient and to be more productive.

    I'm also a Microsoft MVP with Office Apps and Services

  • Amanda Sterner ✨

    Amanda Sterner ✨

    Microsoft MVP | Modern Workplace Specialist at Avega Group

    My favourite feeling in my job is when I can see on a person that they've actually understood how a new way of working can benefit them. For the last couple of years I have been working with the modern workplace and more recently I have been focusing on Microsoft Teams and how it can make the daily work life easier. I want to help you start loving Microsoft Teams the same way I do!

  • Ann-Therese Enarsson

    Ann-Therese Enarsson

    VD Tankesmedjan Futurion

    Futurion är TCO och TCO-förbundens tankesmedja för framtidens arbetsliv. Ann-Therese är i botten jurist men med lång erfarenhet av opinionsbildning och omvärldsanalys. Hon har tidigare bland annat varit chef för forskning och public affairs på Systembolaget och VD för IQ.

  • Daniel Sörlöv

    Daniel Sörlöv

    Information Protection & Compliance Expert

    Daniel Sörlöv is a recognized technical expert and advisor for security, compliance and trust in public and private cloud. Possesses a deep and developed understanding of how heavily regulated industries and public sector can use compliance and information protection methods and products to create and keep value in business and people. Creating trust and robustness in critical data flows. Experiences resting on a broad foundation of technical knowledge in infrastructure and networking world with experinces ranging from Sun Microsystems, Citrix and Linux/Unix to Windows.

    He has been recognized as a Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP) before joining Microsoft, and is still after 15 years continuing as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT).

    Experienced speaker from national and international events such as Microsoft TechEd in both North America and Europe, TechDays in Sweden and SharePoint Connections Amsterdam, Internet Security Summit and many more events around the globe both in English and the Nordic languages. Featured in international and national media, both online and in specialty literature, as an industry leading expert.

  • Emilie Arnell

    Emilie Arnell

    Verksamhetsutvecklare Office 365


  • Fredrik Haventon

    Fredrik Haventon

    Technology Solution Professional - Threat Management

    I've been at Microsoft working with Office 365 and the security surrounding that for the last five years. Prior to that I've worked with in- and outsourcing.

  • Jennica Andersson

    Jennica Andersson

    Public Sector Lead, Microsoft Sweden

    Med över tjugo års erfarenhet är Jennica sedan ett år tillbaka ansvarig för Microsofts verksamhet inom offentlig sektor i Sverige. Hon brinner för att genom starka team och partnerskap vara med och bidra till ett hållbart och konkurrenskraftigt Sverige, där IT är fundamentet för att hjälpa verksamheter att lyckas ställa om.

  • Linus Cansby

    Linus Cansby

    Microsoft MVP | Senior Consultant

    I'm a Swedish Microsoft MVP in Office Apps & Services. With a long background in Unified Communication area I'm now working as a consultant at Uclarity helping customers in their projects focusing on Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business and other parts of Office 365.

    You can follow my blog at www.lync.se, listen to my pod cast Teamspodden (Swedish) about Teams. I'm also one of the organiser of the Swedish conference Teamsdagen.

  • Lotta Petersson

    Lotta Petersson

    Professional Service Manager, Enghouse Interactive

    Almost 20 years experience working with contact center.

  • Maria Stenfeldt Ramzell

    Maria Stenfeldt Ramzell

    Digital Worklife Strategist at Sigma Worklife

    ”Om man googlar efter en definition av vilka en quarterbacks ansvarsuppgifter är kan man läsa följande: "En quarterbacks jobb är att rikta sitt lag mot slutzonen och göra så många poäng som möjligt". Detta är en beskrivning som även passar väldigt bra in på Maria.”

    Maria arbetar som Digital Worklife strategist på Sigma Worklife – hon brinner för digitalisering och vill att de nya verktygen ska upplevas som lätta att ta till sig och roliga att arbeta med – med detta i bakhuvudet hjälper hon kunder att hitta fulla potentialen i de tjänster och produkter som ingår i den Microsoftinvestering de redan gjort.

    När Maria inte digitaliserar verksamheter svingar hon kettlebells och lyfter tunga stänger.

  • Mario Kovacevic

    Mario Kovacevic

    Consid, M365 specialist - Teams

    Har jobbat mer än 15 år med Sharepoint och senaste åren har jag inriktat mig på Microsoft 365 med fokus på Teams. Brinner för att hjälpa användarna att förstå och se möjligheter som Microsoft Teams erbjuder.

  • Mårten Hellebro

    Mårten Hellebro

    Microsoft MVP & Senior Cloud Architect at CloudWay

    Mårten Hellebro is a Senior Cloud Architect at CloudWay. He is an Office Apps and Services MVP focusing on Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business. Mårten has extensive experience in the Enterprise Voice area and as a lead architect, he has done several Office 365 Cloud Voice implementations in the Nordics. In addition to speaking at Microsoft conferences and similar events, he runs the Microsoft Teams blog msteamsswe.se, hosts the Microsoft Teams podcast “Teamspodden“, organizing “Teamsdagen” the largest Teams conferencing in the Nordics, co-organizing the Swedish Unified Communication User Group, and helps customers on their intelligent communication journey from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams.

  • Michaela Bostrand

    Michaela Bostrand

    Vice ordförande, DataTjej

    Jobbar som IT konsult inom Digital arbetsplats och har sedan maj 2020 varit vice ordförande i DataTjej. DataTjej är en ideell förening som arbetar med att främja kvinnor och icke-binära i alla åldrar som är intresserade av, studerar eller arbetar inom data och IT.

  • Peter Karlsson

    Peter Karlsson

    Account Director, Enghouse Interactive

    Microsoft Teams Collaboration Specialist

  • Pia Langenkrans

    Pia Langenkrans

    Adoption Expert @ Storyals

    Pia has helped many organisations towards their cloud journey. With SharePoint +16 years and Office 365 + 8 years experience she has seen and heard a lot and have many things to share on how you can do your journey faster and with less mistakes.

  • Robert Karlsson

    Robert Karlsson

    Partner Technical Specialist, Western Europe, Microsoft Teams Devices

    Robert Karlsson has been in the IT and telecom industry for more than 20 years, having roles within technical sales and pre sales and since 4 years works at Microsoft. Today Robert is responsible for Microsoft Teams Rooms and Devices partners covering Western Europe helping OEM´s and partners to drive business and technical expertise.

  • Stina Persson

    Stina Persson

    Lösningsarkitekt hos CRM-Konsulterna

    Lösningsarkitekt inom Power Platform och Dynamics 365. Har jobbat med Dynamics CRM - som det hette då - och Power Platform de senaste tio åren. Njuter av att hela tiden få lära mig nya saker och den kreativa processen med att översätta krav till lösning.

  • (no image)

    Theodora Malmstrom

  • Ulf Lundqvist

    Ulf Lundqvist

    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, IT-strateg


  • Viktor Hedberg

    Viktor Hedberg

    Security Architect, Atea Sverige AB

    Security Architect
    IAM Consultant
    M365 Security Expert
    Cloud embracer

    The future is cloud based or atleast hybrid. Viktor has been active within the realm of MS365 since BPOS. Working for public sector in Sweden for years but now as a specialist at Atea Sverige AB focusing on IAM, Security and Azure Active Directory.

  • Wictor Wilén

    Wictor Wilén

    Avanade, Director Digital Employee Experience

    Wictor Wilén is a Microsoft Certified Architect and Microsoft Certified Solutions Master for SharePoint. He works as Director of Digital Employee Experience at Avanade. Wictor has worked in the portal and web content management industry since 1998 for consulting companies, founded and sold his own software company and saw the dawn of SharePoint back in 2001. Wictor is an active SharePoint community participant, author, tutor, frequent speaker at local and international conferences, and author of SharePoint 2010 Web Parts in Action and co-author of Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2013. Since 2010 Wictor has been awarded the SharePoint Server MVP title by Microsoft for his community contributions. He can be found online at http://www.wictorwilen.se/. Wictor is based in Stockholm, Sweden.

  • Yasmine El Rafie

    Yasmine El Rafie

    Product Owner M365 @ Sveriges Radio

    Senior change agent and coach at Swedish Radio, with a history of driving cross functional digitalization missions across the company. Most recently in charge of the Teams adoption and implementation process - with results to our strategy. 🙂

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